SU Carburetter Parts by Tag Number
SU Carburetter Parts by Tag Number.
On this page you will find a list of the various "Carb Spec Numbers" for which we currently carry parts and service kits in our range.
Please take into account that this list is based on documentation provided by SU and that your specific application might not be mentioned (yet) or that your set-up might have been altered over the years.
SU had the good habit of attaching an aluminum tag to each carburetor which functions as a kind of an "Ear tag for carburettors" if you want.
These tags should remain with the carbs as they allow us to determine exactly what the factory spec was and on what kind of vehicle they started their life.
This is an example of such a SU tag:
A short explanation to go with this particular tag:
This tag reads "AUD325F".
With the SU documentation in hand, we can trace this back to be the front, of 2, HS4 carburators on a 1969 - 1971 1798 cc European spec MG MGB.
To find the parts that we have available for the carburetter, simply omit the suffix (in this case the F of Front) and look up the remaining Spec Number (AUD325) in the list below.
Once found, simply clicking on it will take you to the appropriate page.
SU Carburetter Parts by Tag Number